Thursday, 15 September 2016

Newly Wedded couples_ Omobolalnle weds Ayokunle_ PHOTOS

Sub-Lieutenant Ayokunle Ogunyemi married Omobolanle Shittu in an elegant ceremony on the 10th of Sept at Me and You garden, Amuo-dophin Apple junction, okota. lagos
the bride
check the photos out.

groom and bride


brides sisters and bride

tradition wedding_couples


couples dance

groom and brides relatives

bride dance

couples and grooms parent

sisters of the bride

brides sister

couples and flower girls

couples and grooms brothers

the march-in of grooms fellow officers

couples and their parents

bride and her parent

couples and grooms uncle

couples cake cutting

the couples and officers

the couples Entrance scene

we gonna rock it.. parents

father dances with her daughter

march in

bride in native

brides gown

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